Privacy & Data Security
Privacy & Data Security
Motorola understands that privacy and data security are important to every one.
Because some features of your mobile device may affect your privacy or data
security, please follow these recommendations to enhance protection of your
Monitor access
—Keep your mobile device with you and do not leave it where
others may have unmonitored access. Lock your device’s keypad where this
feature is available.
Keep software up to date
—If Motorola or a software/application vendor
releases a patch or software fix for your mobile device that updates the dev ice’s
security, install it as soon as possible.
Erase before recycling
—Delete personal information or data from your
mobile device prior to disposing of it or turning it in for recycling. For instructions
on how to delete all personal information from your device, see your product
For information on backing up your mobile device data before erasing it,
go to
and navigate to the “downloads” section of the
consumer Web page for “Motorola Backup” or “Motorola Phone Tools.”
Location-based information
—Location-based information includes
information that can be used to determine the approximate location of a mobile
device. Mobile phones which are connected to a wireless network transmit
location-based information. Devices enabled with GPS or AGPS technology also
transmit location-based information. Additionally, if you use applications that
require location-based information (e.g. driving directions), such applications
transmit location-based information. This location-based infor mation may be
shared with third parties, including your wireless service provider, applicat ions
providers, Motorola, and other third parties providing services .
Other information your device may transmit
—Your device may also
transmit testing and other diagnostic (including loc ation-based) information, and
other non-personal information to Motorola or other third-party server s. This
information is used to help improve products and services offered by Motorol a.