address book

You can store a contact list of names, phone numbers, and email addresses in your phone’s electronic address book.

view contact list

Tap Ôin the global navigation bar to open the address book. To change the way your contact list is shown, tap é, tap Setup, then tap the Default List Display

drop-down menu to select List View or Thumbnail View. Tap Sort Names by Last name or First Name to display your

contacts. Tap Default Memory Location to set Phone Memory, SIM Card Memory or Phone/SIM Memory as the default location to store your contacts.

use category views

Defining categories for your contacts helps you manage address book information. You can classify contacts in different categories according to your communication needs, and see contacts by category. Your phone provides the following basic categories:

All – Lists all contacts stored on your phone and on your SIM card.

Phone – Lists contacts stored on your phone that are not assigned to a user-defined category. This is the default category setting for new contacts.

SIM Card – Lists contacts stored on your SIM card.
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