4.0.4Indicator Lights
‘On’ indicates that the printer is powered ‘On’ and, after initialization, it indicates the Ready Mode.
‘Slow Flashing’ indicates the Menu Mode.
‘Fast Flashing’ indicates data is being received and processed.
‘On’ indicates a ‘Paused’ condition.
‘Slow Flashing’ indicates a Warning. ‘Fast Flashing’ indicates a Fault.
(For a list of these messages, see Section 6.1.)
ŒLiquid Crystal Display
The display provides several types of information:
∙ Following a brief
∙ The time and date, if the printer has received it from one of the following: the host, the front panel setting, or the Time and Date option.
∙A label counter during a batch print job.
∙The Menu System when in the Menu Mode.
∙Any prompt, condition, downloading, warning, or fault message.