External Keyboard Support
An interface for the connection of the Passport™ keyboard.
External Media Rewinder
Separate device with and 8” roll capacity to rewind labels and backing material.
Font Expansion Card (cannot be used with the I/O Expansion card)
ØKanji Gothic B Scalable font
ØSimplified Chinese GB Scalable font
ØKorean Hangul Scalable font
Internal Media Rewinder
An internal hub with a
ILPC – CG Times™ Firmware
The printer’s firmware can be upgraded to include the ILPC CG Times™ font. This supports the Enhanced Language Code Pages.
I/O Expansion Card (specify features at time of order)
Standard features* of this
ØGeneral purpose (GPIO) interface for external printer and device control.
ØTime and date calendar (Real Time Clock) function for label time stamping.
Optional feature:
Ø8 MB Flash memory expansion for graphics and/or additional fonts including International Language Printing Capability (ILPC).
LAN Interface
*Item unavailable for the 2461 model