5.2Memory match
If the the last 7 digits of the incoming telephone number match that of a number stored in your directory, the name that appears on the screen will match the corresponding name in your directory. For example, if Christine Smith calls, her name will appear as Chris if this is how you entered into your directory.
There are also occasions when other information or no information is displayed for various reasons:
PRIVATE NUMBER: The caller’s number has been set as private.
PRIVATE NAME: The caller’s name has been set as private.
PRIVATE CALLER: Caller’s name and number are not revealed at caller’s request.
UNKNOWN NUMBER: Your local telephone company is unable to determine the caller’s number.
UNKNOWN NAME: Your local telephone company is unable to determine the caller’s name.
UNKNOWN CALLER: Your local telephone company is unable to determine the caller’s name and number. Calls from other countries may also generate this message.
Caller ID
5.3Missed (new) calls indicator
When a handset is in idle mode and has calls that have not been reviewed, its screen will show XX MISSED CALLS.
All entries which have not been reviewed will be counted as missed calls when the phone is idle. Each time an entry in the caller ID history marked NEW is reviewed, the number of missed calls decreases by one.
If you have too many missed calls and you do not want to review them one by one, but you still want to keep them in the caller ID history, you can press and hold >for four seconds when the handset is idle. All the entries in the caller ID history will be considered old (have been reviewed), and the missed calls counter is reset to 0.
5.4View the call list
chronological order starting with the most recent call.
You can also review the caller ID history by pressing P, and using ,to scroll to >CALL LOG, and then press P.
2.Press ,to scroll through the list.