international calls
If your phone service includes international dialing, press and hold 0 to insert your local international access code (indicated by +). Then, press the keypad keys to dial the countrycode, such as +44 for the U.K., +33 for France, etc., and phone number.
1-touch dial
To call phonebook entries 1 through 9, press and hold the
You can set
Find it: Press M > Settings > Initial Setup > 1 Touch Dial > Phone, SIM, or Fixed Dial
Note: For more information on the Fixed Dial feature, see the Advanced Calling section on page 53.
You can call phonebook entries 1 through 9 with the push of a single key. The first nine numbers from the SIM card would be placed in the
Press and hold the
Note: To change
Find it: Press M > Phonebook, highlight a phone entry, then M > Edit > Speed No.
calls 51