ˇhe Menu System
Navigating the MenuYou can navigate through the menu system using
the three keys located on the left side of the phone.
Use the upper and lower volume keys to scroll to
sub-menus and to control volume. Use the middle
Smart Button to choose menus and functions.
Follow these symbols as a guide for using the keys
on the side of your phone:
You can also use your phone’s * and # keys
to scroll through the menu system.
Road MapsTo help you navigate through the phone’s menu
system, each chapter begins with an easy-to-follow
visual “road map.” Press the key shown, and
observe the message that appears in the display.
For example, try this:
1. Press f, then press = to enter the menu
Press f 1. “menu” is printed on the
1 key as a reminder.
2. Press > and < to scroll through the menu’s
top level, shown here in the margin.
3. Press = to select a menu item.
4. Press e to exit the menu.
Detailed instructions within each chapter describe
how each feature works.
to scroll up.
to select.
to scroll down.