10 - 72 Symbol DS6707 Digital Imager Scanner Product Reference Guide

Code 128 Emulation

Parameter # 7Bh

Enable this parameter to transmit data from certain MicroPDF417 symbols as if it was encoded in Code 128
symbols. You must select AIM Code ID Character (01h) on page 4-15 for this parameter to work.
Enable Code 128 Emulation to transmit these MicroPDF417 symbols with one of the following prefixes:
]C1 if the first codeword is 903-905
]C2 if the first codeword is 908 or 909
]C0 if the first codeword is 910 or 911
Disable this to transmit them with one of the following prefixes:
]L3 if the first codeword is 903-905
]L4 if the first codeword is 908 or 909
]L5 if the first codeword is 910 or 911
Scan a bar code below to enable or disable Code 128 Emulation.
NOTE Linked MicroPDF codewords 906, 907, 912, 914, and 915 are not supported. Use GS1 Composites
Enable Code 128 Emulation
*Disable Code 128 Emulation