User Preferences & Miscellaneous Digital Imager Scanner Options 4 - 13
Decode Aiming Pattern
Parameter # F0h, 32h
This parameter only applies when in Decode Mode. Select Enable Decode Aiming Pattern to project the aiming
pattern during bar code capture, or Disable Decode Aiming Pattern to turn the aiming pattern off.
Fuzzy 1D Processing
Parameter # F1h 02h
This option is enabled by default to optimize decode performance on 1D bar codes, including damaged and poor
quality symbols. Disable this only if you experience time delays when decoding 2D bar codes, or in detecting a no
NOTE With picklist enabled, the decode aiming pattern flashes even when the Decode Aiming Pattern is
*Enable Decode Aiming Pattern
Disable Decode Aiming Pattern
*Enable Fuzzy 1D Processing
Disable Fuzzy 1D Processing