CFJN1012C Manual HS820 29/06/2004 15:09 Page 96


Bez zapojenej nabíjačky:

Indikátor LED



Slúchadlo vypnuté

Zapnutý (stále svieti)

Párovací mód

10 krátkych zablikaní (cca. každé 3 sekundy)

Párovanie úspešné

Bliká v 5-sekundovom intervale

V pohotovosti, "standby" (nie počas hovoru)

Bliká v 8-sekundovom intervale

Spojené (počas hovoru)

Poznámka: Ak je bezdrôtové slúchadlo spárované s telefónom a po dobu 5 minút nie je vykonávaná žiadna aktivita, modrá blikajúca LED dióda s vypne. Stlačenie akéhokoľvek tlačidla na slúchadle slúchadlo "zobudí" a blikanie bude pokračovať. Ak počas hovoru stlačíte naraz horné a dolné tlačidlo hlasitosti, blikajúca dióda LED sa vypne.

Zvuková signalizácia

Zvuková signalizácia

Stav slúchadla

Jeden vysoký tón pri stlačení tlačidla hlasitosti

Dosiahnuté maximum alebo minimum hlasitosti

5 rýchlych vysokých tónov opakujúcich

Vybitá batéria

sa každých 20 sekúnd


Žiadna zvuková signalizácia; zhoršujúca

Mimo dosahu

sa kvalita zvuku


Séria 4 tónov, od nízkeho po vysoký

Začatie zvukového spojenia

Tón zvonenia

Prichádzajúci hovor

Jeden vysoký tón

Potvrdenie spárovania

Jeden nízky tón

Iniciovanie hlasovej aktivácie

Dvojitý vysoký a nízky tón

Položka nerozpoznaná

Jeden vysoký tón

Ukončenie hovoru

Séria 4 tónov, od vysokého po nízky

Ukončenie zvukového spojenia

Rýchly vysoký/nízky každých 5 sekúnd

Žiadna sieť

V prípade ďalších otázok nám prosím zavolajte do lokálneho zákazníckeho centra alebo navštívte


Page 96
Image 96
Motorola HS820 manual Bez zapojenej nabíjačky, Zvuková signalizácia Stav slúchadla

HS820 specifications

The Motorola HS820 is a sophisticated Bluetooth headset designed to offer users a seamless hands-free communication experience. Launched in the early 2000s, the HS820 quickly became notable for its combination of sleek design, functionality, and performance.

One of the primary features of the Motorola HS820 is its compact and lightweight design. Weighing in at only 18 grams, the headset is comfortable for prolonged use, making it ideal for long conversations or meetings. The ergonomic design ensures a secure fit in the ear, while interchangeable ear cushions allow users to personalize the headset for maximum comfort.

The HS820 utilizes Bluetooth 1.2 technology, enabling users to connect wirelessly to compatible devices such as mobile phones, computers, and tablets. With a range of approximately 30 feet, users can easily move around without being tethered by cords. The headset supports hands-free calling, allowing users to answer and end calls with the press of a button, promoting convenience and safety, especially while driving.

One of the standout characteristics of the HS820 is its impressive battery life. Users can enjoy up to 8 hours of talk time and up to 200 hours of standby time on a single charge, making it a reliable choice for both casual users and professionals who rely on frequent communication. The headset also features an LED indicator that informs users about the battery status, ensuring they are always aware of their device's charge level.

The HS820 incorporates advanced audio technology, including noise reduction and echo cancellation features. This ensures clear audio quality by minimizing background noise during calls, which is especially beneficial in busy environments. The dual microphones also enhance voice clarity, making conversations more intelligible.

Moreover, the Motorola HS820 is compatible with a wide range of mobile devices, including various Motorola phones and other brands that support Bluetooth technology. Its versatility allows it to cater to a broad audience, from daily commuters seeking ease of use to business professionals requiring reliable communication tools.

Overall, the Motorola HS820 remains a noteworthy Bluetooth headset with a strong emphasis on comfort, battery life, and audio quality. While advances in technology have introduced newer models to the market, the HS820's reliable performance and user-friendly features continue to make it a favored option among those seeking an efficient Bluetooth headset.