Medium — 320 x 240

Small — 160 x 120

Wallpaper1 — 176 x 220

Wallpaper2 — 96 x 65

If you plan to use the image as wallpaper, it is best to select Wallpaper1 for wallpaper on the internal display or Wallpaper2 for wallpaper on the external display.

When you receive your phone, Medium is the default. You can choose a new default for this option. See “Customizing the Camera” on page 96.

Larger pictures use more memory space.


The Self-Timer option lets you delay capturing the picture for the number of seconds you choose. The camera captures the picture after the amount of time you chose elapses.

To turn off the timer before the picture is captured, press A under Cancel.

The values are: Off, 10 seconds, 15 seconds, 20 seconds.

Off is the default.

More Actions for Captured Pictures

More Actions for Captured Pictures

After you capture a picture as described in “Taking Pictures” on page 91, you can send it in an InstantLINC Mobile to Mobile call or with Bluetooth, assign it to a Contacts entry, or set it as your phone’s wallpaper.

You can also access the media center to view and perform actions on the pictures there.

Choosing any of these options automatically saves the captured picture.

Sending in InstantLINC Mobile to Mobile Calls

For information on sending captured pictures in InstantLINC Mobile to Mobile calls, see “Starting a Call by Sending a Picture” on page 126.

Assigning to Contacts

Note: This feature may require a subscription to Caller ID to function properly. Contact your sales representative or SouthernLINC Wireless.

1After you have captured a picture, press m.

2Select Set As Caller ID.


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Image 107
Motorola i880 More Actions for Captured Pictures, Sending in InstantLINC Mobile to Mobile Calls, Assigning to Contacts