Motorola Inc.

i88s J2ME Developers’ Guide; } finally {

if (sc != null) sc.close(); if (is != null) is.close();

if (os != null) os.close();


Example # 2 (Complete MIDlet code)

The following example is a simple MIDlet that will provide the overall operation of the file I/O interface and how most of the API’s can be used. The MIDlet also shows a simple alternative to RMS to store data as a persistent storage.

import*; import*;

import javax.microedition.midlet.*; import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;

public class Example2 extends MIDlet implements CommandListener{ /**

*List of available tests


StreamConnection sc;

String[] testList = {"file to w/r","setData","write/append/read","delete"}; TextBox tf1;

TextBox tf2; /**

*Reference to Display object associated with this Display


Display myDisplay;

/* default file name */ String fileURL = "temp.txt"; /*default amount of data*/ int dataNum = 0;

/*default string to write in file*/ String stringNum ="Hello World"; /**

*The output screen


Form myOutput; /**

*The list of tests


List myList; /**

*Ok command to indicate a test was selected


Command okCommand; /**

*Create NetTests


Example2( ) {


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Motorola i88s manual Example # 2 Complete MIDlet code