SP | Signaling Point |
SRES | Signed RESponse (authentication) |
SS | Supplementary Service |
SS | System Simulator |
STP | Signaling Transfer Point |
SYSGEN | SYStem GENeration |
TA | Terminal Adapter |
TA | Timing Advance |
TCAP | Transaction Capabilities Application Part |
TCH | Traffic Channel |
TCH/F | A full rate TCH |
TCH/FS | A full rate speech TCH |
TCH/HS | A half rate speech TCH |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol |
TDMA | Time Division Multiple Access |
TE | Terminal Equipment |
TMN | Telecommunications Management Network |
TMSI | Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity |
TN | Timeslot Number |
TRX | Transceivers |
TTY | TeleTYpe (refers to any terminal) |
TS | Time Slot |
TUP | Telephone Users Part |
UI | Unnumbered Information frame |
Um | Air Interface |
VAD | Voice Activity Detection |
VLR | Visited Location Register |
VLSI | Very Large Scale Integration (IC) |
VPLMN | Visited PLMN |
XC | Transcoder |
XCDR | Transcoder ** |
3PTY | Three party service |
38 of 45 | European Customer Services |