Checking Messages Remotely from a Touch- ✂Tone Phone
1Call your base station.
2When the answering machine picks up the call, enter the security ID. A synthesized voice prompts you with instructions.
3To skip the voice prompts and operate the base station directly, press the appropriate number key on the phone. The selections are:
Press 2 to play/stop messages
Press 3 | to skip forwards |
Press 1 | to skip backwards |
Press 4 | to answer (turns the |
| answering machine on/off) |
Press 5 | to record a memo |
Press 7 | to repeat the memo |
Press 0 | to delete the message |
For your convenience, cut this page out and take it with you so you’ll have it when you call your answering machine while you are away from home.
Use the other side of this page to write down notes and phone numbers.
Answering Machine