Motorola H76XAH6JR7BN, NNTN7813A, i410 quick notes, attach a picture, audio and voice recording

Models: NNTN7813A

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reply to a message

You can reply to a message while you are viewing it, or while a previously viewed message is highlighted in the message center. You cannot reply to unread messages.

To reply to a message:

1View the message you want to reply to.

2To reply to the sender only, press - under Reply or if you wish to include all the people copied in the message, press - under Reply All.

A list of short phrases appears. Select any of these phrases to add it to your messages or select [Create Reply].

3Edit any message fields you want to change.

4Press - under Send.

quick notes

When you are filling in the Message and Subject message fields, you can add ready-made words or short phrases called Quick Notes. After you add these words or phrases, you can edit them as you would any other text.

1While you are creating a message, scroll to or select Message or Subject.

2Press - under QNotes.

Select the Quick Note you want to insert into the message.

3Press - under Send.

attach a picture, audio and voice recording

You can attach one or more pictures, audio or voice recordings from your phone into the body of the message. You can include text in

main attractions


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Motorola H76XAH6JR7BN, NNTN7813A, i410 manual quick notes, attach a picture, audio and voice recording, reply to a message