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Got a question? We’ve put together a list of questions customers frequently ask.
Q What is high-speed cable Internet access?
A Cable Internet access uses cable television wires instead of telephone lines to tap into the information on the Internet. It’s extremely fast and
affordable, and it doesn’t tie up phone lines for incoming or outgoing calls and faxes.
Q How fast are cable modems?
A Cable modems offer Internet access at speeds up to 100 times faster* than a traditional phone modem. A cable modem user can experience
speeds of over 1,000 Kbps. Due to network conditions, such as traffic and the speed of the site you’re visiting, actual download rates may
Q Can I still watch cable TV while I’m using my cable modem?
A Yes, cable television lines are capable of handling the cable TV signal as well as sending and receiving information on the Internet - at the
same time.
* Actual speed will vary. Many network and other factors affect download speeds.