Using Voicemail
You can listen to your voicemail messages by
032380o calling your network voicemail phone number.
Voicemail messages are stored on the network— not on your phone. Contact your service provider
for more details.
Storing/Changing Your Voicemail Number
Store your voicemail number in your phone to make it faster and easier to use voicemail. Your voicemail number is provided by your service provider.
Find the Feature
1keypad keys
> Messages > Voicemail
> Voicemail Setup
enter the phone number for your voicemail
CANCEL ( | ) | exit the screen |
2 OK ( | ) | store the number |
or |
DELETE ( | ) | delete the number |
Receiving a New Voicemail Message
When you receive a voicemail message, your phone displays New Voicemail and a voicemail indicator. (Some networks only indicate when you have messages, whether