Calling Features
they are new or not.) If you delete all voicemail messages, the voicemail indicator will disappear.
Listening to a Voicemail Message
To listen to your voicemail message at any time:
> Messages > Voicemail
Your phone calls the voicemail phone number you stored. If you do not have a voicemail number stored, the phone guides you through storing a number.
Speed Dialing
Speed dial lets you dial any phonebook entry with a minimal number of key presses.
When you store an entry in your phonebook, it is assigned a unique speed dial number. You can then use the speed dial feature to call the entry. In the idle display:
| Press | To |
1 | keypad keys | enter the speed dial number |
| for the entry you want to dial |
2 |
| submit the number |
3 |
| call the entry |
Note: To edit phone numbers in the Entry Details of the speed dial, see “Editing a Phonebook Entry” on page 55.