Care and Maintenance
The V700 Word Message FLEX pagers are durable, re liable, and can
provide years of depend able service; however, they are pre cision
electronic products. Water and moistu re, excessive heat, and extreme
shock may damage the pager. Do not expose your pager to thes e
conditions. If repair is required, the Motorola Service Organizati on, staffed
with specially trained technici ans, offers repair and maintenance facil ities
throughout the world.
You can protect your pager purchase with an optional extend ed warranty
covering parts and labor. For more information about warranties, please
contact either your paging service provider, retailer, or Motorola, Inc.
at 1-800-548-9954. For repair s, call Motorola, Inc. at 1-800- 548-9954 in the
U.S. or 1-800-323-9685 in Can ada. I n the U .S ., to cont act Mo torol a, In c. on
your TTY, call 1-800-793-7834.
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