Sending a Test Page to YourselfIt’s a good idea to test y our p ag er an d se rvic e b y se ndin g a p ag e to
yourself. Start by u si ng the p ho ne n umb er, web site, or email ad dres s ( a nd
a PIN, if required) your service provid er gave you, then enter a short
message. If you are sendin g a word message from a phone, an operator
will assist you; otherwise, press the phon e buttons to enter a numeric
message or type a message and send it. Wh ile you are waiting for the
message to reach your pager , r ef er to pa ge10
for information about how to
read a message. If your pager does not receive the message within a few
minutes, contact your service provider. After you’ve tested the pager, read
the rest of this guide to learn about the many us eful features of your new
Using the Features MenuThe Features menu provides a ccess to the many featur es of your pager
through the use of symbols and prompts.
1035B30Book.fm Page 7 Monday, Sep tember 13, 1999 11:18 AM