Effective Use of Your Pager
Your pager can h elp y ou k eep in con tact w ith e v eryon e imp ortant t o yo u. By
giving your pager n umber to your busin ess associates, family, and friends,
you can be contacted whenever needed .
If you have a cellular pho ne, give your pager number ins tead of your
cellular number. Then y ou ca n de ci de who to cal l bac k on y ou r cel lu l ar
phone without paying fo r inc omi ng cal ls.
Battery Information
Your pager is designed to ope rat e with a single AA-size alkali ne batt ery (carb on
zinc batteries are not recommended ). S ee th e d iagr a m on the f o llo win g page
for the battery door location .
Installing/Replacing the Battery
To install or repl ace th e bat te ry, hold the pager face dow n and proc ee d as
➊Unlock the battery door by sliding the doo r latch away from the battery
1035B30Book.fm Page 2 Monday, Sep tember 13, 1999 11:18 AM