Circuit heating
return or
2nd circuit heating output
1st circuit heating output
Combustion air is drawn into the oil burner by the burner fan through the air intake hose connected to the coaxial flue/combustion air intake separator tube assembly. Heated air from combustion of the oil burner cools as it passes through the boiler heat exchanger, then the condenser. Cooled flue pro- ducts exit the unit through the center of the flue/ combustion air separator tube assembly. Conden- sate from the flue products is drained from the bot- tom of the condenser into the condensate drain tube, exiting the unit through the condensate drain system..
Water is circulated through the boiler heat exchan- ger and condenser circuits where it is heated by the combustion of the oil burner. Two independent wa-
•The first circuit passes through a three way mixing valve incorporated into the boiler. This valve can either be used manually as supplied or driven by a regulator (option).
•The second circuit can supply another heating circuit and/or a domestic hot water production system.