Limited Warranty

Mr. Coffee warrants to the purchaser that the Series PR by Mr. Coffee@ (except for cord s e t ) i s free from manufacturer% defects in material and workmanship f o r a

penod of one year from the date of original purchase when used i n compliance with

directions as outlined in the manufacture& instructions, which will constitute rea- sonable and necessary maintenance by the purchaser.

In case of manufacturer defects in material or workmanship, Mr . Coffee agrees to

repair (remedy) a defective coffeemaker without charge. The purchaser’s exclusive

remedy against Mr . Coffee shall be for the repair or replacement of a defective Mr. Coffee product .

All repairs must be made at an authorized Mr. Coffee Service Center. T O locate a

Mr. Coffee Service Center, c a l l 1-800-MR COFFEE (l-600-672-6333). Mr. Coffee

shall not be responsible for any repairs perforrned at any facility which is not an

authorized Mr. Coffee Service Center.

This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights whiih vary from state to state. Any implied warranty is limited in duration to the one year

p r o v i d e d i n t h i s , t h e only.


warranty . Some

states do not


l i m i t a t i o n s


how long an implied warranty


so t h e a b o v e l i m i t a t i o n


not apply to
















no event shall Mr. Coffee


responsible for incidental

or conaequential

damages, nor damage due to misuse or the use of any unauthorized attachment;



e caused b y u s e o f

a n e l e c t r i c a l c i r c u i t

n o t


on the Mr . Coffee

product .

8 orne states do

not allow

t h e e x c l u s i o n

o r l i m i t a t i o n o f i n c i d e n t a l

o r


s e q u e n t i a l

damages, S O t h e a b o v e

l i m i t a t i o n

o r e x c l u s i o n may
















Mr. Coffee garantit & l’acheteur que le modble Series PR de Mr. Coffee (sauf pour

l e fila

e) est exempt de

tout dhfaut

de fabrication ou de main

d’oeuvre pour



e d un an, et ce

à p a r t i r d e l a

d a t e d ’ a c h a t , lorsqu’utilis4

et entretenu


% ?ectkes d u f a b r i c a n t .




D a n s

l e c a s d ’ u n ddfaut

de fabrication ou de main - d’oeuvre, Mr . Coffee s’en

age &

&Parer une cafeti&e ddfectueuse sans aucuns frais. Le seul recours de I’ac 7l eteur

a l'endroit

de Mr . Coffee se limite a l a rbparation

ou remplacement d’un produit


Mr. Coffee.


Toutes les rbparations doivent être effectu8es par un centre de rbparation a r&

par Mr. Coffee . Pour connaître le centre de appelez 1-800-M/R COFFEE (1-800-672-6333).

rbparation Mr. Coffee de votre r.!,glon. Mr. Coffee ne se porte pas respon-

~~$~es r8parabons effectuees par un centre de service non agr& par Mr.

Cette arantie vous accorde des droits l@aux spdcifiques, en plus de ceux

accor 8BS

par la


de votre État ou province (variant d’un

État ou province

& l ’ a u t r e ) .

T o u t e

g a r a n t i e

i m p l i c i t e s e l i m i t e a l a dur6e d e l a prbsante

g a r a n t i e

explicite, c’est-à-dire une ann6e. Certains États ou provinces n’autorisent aucune l i m i t a t i o n s u r l a dur6e d ’ u n e g a r a n t i e i m p l i c i t e , d o n c l a g a r a n t i e limitbe c i - d e s s u s peut ne pas s’appliquer dans votre cas.

Mr. Coffee ne sera tenu aucunement responsable de tout dommage fortuit ou Indirect, n i d ’ a u c u n d o m m a g e d û B u n m a w a i s u s a g e o u d e l ’ u s a g e d e t o u t acces-

soire non autoris& ni des domma s caus&s par un courant Blectnque non @cifi sur l’appareil Mr. Coffee. Certains? tats ou provinces ne reconnaissant aucune-

ment I’exclusion ou la limite des dommages fortuits ou indirects, la limite ci-dessus o u e x c l u s i o n p e u t n e p a s s ’ a p p l i q u e r d a n s v o t r e c a s .

Mr. Coffee

A Product of Signature Brands, Inc.

Cleveland, Ohio 44139

PART3839 (REV.1)



Page 24
Image 24
Mr. Coffee PR12A, PRX20 operating instructions Limited Warranty, Product of Signature Brands, Inc Cleveland, Ohio

PRX20, PR12A specifications

Mr. Coffee has long been a trusted name in home brewing, and the PR12A and PRX20 models continue that legacy with features designed to enhance the daily coffee experience. Both products focus on delivering consistent brewing quality, user-friendly design, and practical features.

The Mr. Coffee PR12A is a classic 12-cup coffee maker, known for its simplicity and efficiency. One of its standout features is the Brew Pause system, which allows users to pause the brewing process and pour a cup mid-cycle without making a mess. This means early risers can enjoy a steaming cup of coffee while the rest of the brew continues. The PR12A also includes a gold-tone filter that eliminates the need for paper filters, making cleanup easier and enhancing the coffee's flavor by allowing essential oils to pass through.

The water reservoir of the PR12A is easily accessible, and the design includes a convenient water level indicator, ensuring accurate measurements for optimal brewing. In terms of technology, the coffee maker incorporates a thermal shutdown feature that automatically turns off the machine after brewing, providing peace of mind for users concerned about safety.

On the other hand, the Mr. Coffee PRX20 is a more advanced model, appealing to those who crave additional features without compromising on quality. It retains the same core functionality as the PR12A but adds programmable settings, allowing users to wake up to freshly brewed coffee at a predetermined time. This programmable timer is a revolutionary convenience for busy households.

Both models feature a durable glass carafe that allows users to serve coffee seamlessly. The PRX20 goes one step further with its easy-pour spout, preventing spills during serving. Additionally, the PRX20's clean design and modern aesthetics complement any kitchen decor, making it both a functional appliance and a stylish addition to your countertop.

In summary, the Mr. Coffee PR12A and PRX20 coffee makers prioritize brewing excellence and user convenience. Their practical features, including the Brew Pause system, easy-to-read water levels, and automatic shut-off, make them suitable for a range of users, from casual coffee drinkers to aficionados who appreciate a well-crafted cup every morning. With Mr. Coffee, enjoying coffee has never been easier or more flavorful.