Chapter 5 – Configuring the RF550VPN

– Modem Settings (Optional)

A modem can be used as a dialup backup to the Cable/xDSL connection.

The checkbox Dialup Modem When Cable/xDSL is not connected should be checked in order to use the modem as a backup to cable or xDSL when the cable or xDSL are not working. To add the modem to your setup, connect the modem and input the ISP account settings.

￿Enter your ISP Phone Number, User Name, Password, Retype the Password (for verification), and select your idle time.

￿Select your Connection Type by clicking on the desired connection type button.

￿Enter your External IP Address.

￿Select your Baudrate Settings.

￿Enter your dialing strings: Pre-Initial String, Initial String, and Dialup String.

￿Click Next to have the system accept your data and to move to the next screen.