Safety Information
eLeCTrIC moTor SaFeTy
Operate electric motor only at the specifi ed voltage indicated on the nameplate.
do noT spray water onto electric motor.
aLWayS disconnect AC power plug from power source before moving saw, changing blade, or performing maintenance.
aLWayS make sure the ON/OFF switch on the electric motor is in the OFF position when not in use and before inserting the saw’s power plug into an AC receptacle.
power Cord/Cable Safety
never let power cords or cables lay in water.
never use damaged or worn cables or cords when connecting equipment to generator. Inspect for cuts in the insulation.
never grab or touch a live power cord or cable with wet hands. The possibility exists of electrical shock, electrocution or death.
Make sure power cables are securely connected. Incorrect connections may cause electrical shock and damage to the saw.
Ensure that cables and cords will not be tripped over or trapped underneath the saw.
Never use the cable to pull out the plug from the power source.
aLWayS make certain that proper power or extension cord has been selected for the job.
Protect the cable from heat, oil, and sharp edges.
never allow any person or animal to stand underneath the equipment while lifting.
Some saws are very heavy and awkward to move around. Use proper heavy lifting procedures.
do noT lift machine to unnecessary heights.
never lift the equipment while the motor is running.
TranSporTIng SaFeTy
aLWayS shutdown motor before transporting.
aLWayS tie down equipment during transport by securing the equipment with rope.
Ensure that the diamond blade does not come into contact with the ground or surface during transportation.
never transport the saw to or from the job site with the blade mounted.
envIronmenTaL SaFeTy
Dispose of hazardous waste properly. Examples of potentially hazardous waste are used motor oil, fuel and fuel fi lters.
do noT use food or plastic containers to dispose of hazardous waste.
do noT pour waste, oil or fuel directly onto the ground, down a drain or into any water source.
TP24 TILE SAW • operation and parts manual — rev. #2 (04/12/12) — page 9