The S170's rear-panel NAD LINK OUT jack can relay remote-control commands to other products equipped with an NAD Link (or compatible) input, sending out the same control codes it receives from the S70 remote handset via IR (infra red ). NAD Link thus creates a “hard wired” connection between the S170 and another NAD component, employing any coaxial cable terminated with RCA Jacks.

Similarly, the S170's NAD LINK IN jack can receive commands, from an external IR sensor, a radio-frequency wireless "remote-extender" system, or from a hard-wired remote-room control pad from third-party suppliers such as Xantach, Niles, or Russound. Commands received by the NAD LINK IN jack are also relayed to the NAD LINK OUT jack, permitting pass-through command of additional components such as a CD or DVD player. By “daisy chaining” the NAD LINK OUT from one component to the NAD LINK IN of another, full-system control can be achieved.


NAD Link permits some or all components to be located "out of sight" to IR-remote commands while maintaining complete responsiveness.

A component receiving the same command simultaneously from its own front panel IR sensor and via NAD Link may not respond correctly. Do not link components liable to "see" the same IR remote command at the same time, as would be the case with components stacked or placed adjacently.


The S170's RS-232 port offers extensive integration to sophisticated media-system and home-automation control, and permits full control of all of the S170's features. Using this port, the S170 can be connected to any other device with an RS-232 port, such as a personal computer or a home automation system. Any command or function that can be issued from the front panel or the S70 remote controller can be performed via the RS-232 port, and information feedback of the S170's current settings, including MultiSource status, is transmitted from the preamp's RS-232 port to the connected PC or device. The S170's MultiSource features are thus also fully controllable via RS-232 command.


The RS-232 port uses the following standard pin-out arrangement:

DB-9 Pin #





Transmit Data


Receive Data


Signal Ground


A standard, "straight-through" serial cable (not a null modem cable) must be employed to connect the S170 to a PC or other serial device.

S170 serial communications must employ 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit; the data rate is 12000 bps (baud). (Some serial devices are unable to communicate at 12000 bps; a bit-rate converter to convert S170 communications to 9600 bps is available as a separate accessory; contact your installing NAD audio specialist.

A Windows 95/98/ME-compatible application for serial control of the S170 from a PC, as well as complete details of the S170's serial-communications protocols, are available for download from the NAD website:


See your NAD installing specialist for more information.


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Image 28
NAD S170 Safety Information, Nad Link, Note That, SYSTEM INTEGRATION RS-232, Technical Details, DB-9Pin #, Function