Using the [Cursor] (down) key scroll down to the <Digital input> menu item. Use the [Cursor <>] keys to assign a digital input to the current source. The digital inputs will appear in order:
You may freely assign any digital input to any source position, and you may assign a digital input to two or more source positions. For example, with your DVD/CD player connected to the COAX1 digital input, you might choose to assign COAX1 to both the “CD” and “VIDEO1” inputs, renaming VIDEO1 to “DVD.”
The following characters are available:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z *
Using the [Cursor] (down) key scroll down to the <Component video> menu item. Use the [Cursor <>] keys to set Component video to “On” or “Off.” When a source is set to Component video “On,” the video signal present at the S170’s COMPONENT VIDEO IN
• OSDs do not appear on the
The S170 is equipped with two
The following example employs the S170's 12V Trigger #1 to turn the S250 amplifier on and off in concert with the preamplifier.
Using the 12V Trigger cable supplied with the S170 connect the S170's
>From the OSD Main menu, select the <Trigger setup> item using the remote's [Cursor up/down], and [Enter] keys. The <Trigger 1> listings should appear as follows (these are the defaults):
If any other settings are in place, use the remote's [Cursor up/down] and [Cursor <>] keys to change them to the above conditions.