When lit for the first time, the gas grill will emit a slight odour. This is a normal temporary condition caused by the
When searing foods, preheating is recommended by operating all main burners in the high position with the lid closed for approximately 15 minutes. Food cooked for a short period of time (fish, vegetables) may be grilled with the lid open. Cooking with the lid closed will ensure higher, more even temperatures that will reduce cooking time and cook meat more evenly. When cooking very lean meats, such as chicken breasts, or lean pork, the grids can be oiled before
Place food to be cooked on the grill directly over the heat. This method is generally used for searing or for foods that do not require prolonged cooking times - hamburgers, steaks, chicken pieces, vegeatables, etc. The food is first seared to trap in the juices and flavor, and then the temperature is lowered to finish cooking the food to your preference.
With one or more burners operating place food to be cooked on the grill over one of the burners that is not operating. The heat circulates around the food, cooking slowly and evenly. Cooking in this manner is much the same as cooking in your oven and is generally used for larger cuts of meats such as roasts, chickens or turkeys, but can also be used for cooking foods that are prone to flare ups. Cooking in this method with lower temperatures and slower cooking times will result in tender foods every time you grill.
1.Follow the infrared burner ignition procedures and operate on high for 5 minutes with the lid closed or until the ceramic burners glow red.
2.Place food on grills and cook according to times listed in the Infrared Grilling Chart.
3.Depending upon your taste, continue cooking over infrared burners on high, medium or low, turning food frequently, or place food away from infrared burners, close lid, and allow oven temperature to slowly finish cooking your food.
Caution: Due to the intense heat the infrared burners provide, food left unattended over burners will burn quickly. Keep the lid open when cooking with the infrared burners on high. The intense heat ensures adequate searing temperatures even with the lid open. This also allows observation of the food, so as to prevent burning.
PROTECTION OF YOUR INFRA RED BURNERS - The infrared burners of your grill are designed to provide a long service life. However, there are steps you must take to prevent cracking of their ceramic surfaces, which will cause the burners to malfunc- tion.
•Never let water come in direct contact with your ceramic burner.
•Do not allow hard objects to impact the infra red burner.
•Do not allow cold water (rain, sprinkler, hose, etc.) to come in contact with hot ceramic burners. A large temperature differen- tial can cause cracking of the ceramic tile.
Damage caused by failure to follow these steps is not covered by your grill warranty.
Remove the warming rack prior to use. Cooking grids should also be removed if they interfere with the rotisserie. This gas grill is equipped with a 15,500 BTU rear burner. The rear burner is designed to be used in conjunction with the rotisserie kit available from your dealer. See the rotisserie kit assembly instructions. To use the counterbalance, remove the rotisserie motor from the gas grill. Place the spit with meat being cooked across the hangers inside the grill. The meat will naturally hang with the heavy side down. Tighten the counterbalance arm and weight, so that the arm is facing up. Slide the counterweight in or out to balance the load, and tighten in place.
The side burner can be used like any range top burner, for gravies, soups etc. The gas grill should be located so that the side burner is protected from the wind, because the wind will adversely affect it’s performance. DO NOT use side burner to deep fry
6 foods as cooking with oil can create a dangerous situation.