
Probe Models 8782D and 8782 are unique low frequency electric field probes that feature a range switch on the probe to cover a total of 60 dB. The 8782 series probes must be entered as two separate probes since there are two different full-scale measurement ranges (dependent on the switch on the probe that the meter cannot control or know the status of) and each range has different calibration factors.


A correction factor greater than 2.0 or less than 0.5 will not be accepted and will automatically be changed to one of these values. Narda probes never have a correction factor outside of this range for any frequency within their rated frequency range.

Installing a Probe

You may have a maximum of six probes installed in the 8718B at any time. If you have six probes installed and want to install another probe, you must first remove a probe. See Removing Installed Probes.

To add a probe to the meter’s memory...

1.Click on the New Probe button. The Select Below...

dialog box will appear.

2.Select the model number of the probe you want to install from the list of files by either double clicking on it or highlighting it and choosing OK. Each standard Narda 8700 series probe has a separate file that defines its basic characteristics. The file names are simply the model number of the probe preceded by the letter “p”. The window will now show the model number of the probe selected, its basic characteristics - frequency range, full scale measurement range, field type, and response (flat or shaped) - and the standard calibration frequencies will be entered in the table on the right.

3.Enter the five-digit serial number in the highlighted box in the center of the window.

4.Enter the calibration date by highlighting the box to the right of legend Enter Cal Date. This date is shown on the handle of the probe. Hit the Tab key on the computer.

5.The Calibration Due date is automatically calculated as one year after the calibration date. Enter a different calibration date if you are using a different calibration cycle.

6.Enter the correction factor for each calibration frequency of the probe by highlighting the default value of 1.0. A default correction factor value of 1.0 (CF 1.0) is automatically entered in the table to minimize measurement error in case the user fails to enter a value.


Operating the Meter