8 Data Logging

Logging Options

The 8718B Meter features several methods of collecting data.

The basic choices are:

Logging Data with the Meter. The logged data stored

in the meter is downloaded to a computer at a later date using the User's Software, where it can be viewed and printed. The data can also be exported in spreadsheet or database formats for further processing.

Continuous Output to a Computer. Data collection, if

any, is performed by the computer.

Analog Output. An analog voltage is continuously available for use with a Chart Recorder or A/D converter.


Logging Data


The 8718B has three logging modes to collect field strength


measurements, store the data in the meter’s memory, and later


export the data to a personal computer via the RS232 port on


the top of the meter. The three logging modes are:

Mode 1

Collect a series of up to 999 data points, one at a time,


and automatically assign a reference number to each


data point. The reference numbers can refer to either


site plan locations or to a diagram of the industrial


equipment being surveyed. Each data point also has a


time and date stamp.

Chapter 8 Data Logging