13.Use the numeric keypad to enter a new two-digit survey number and then press F1 (OK) or ENTER. Again, make note of this number so that you can later associate this survey number with the data points collected. If you make a mistake, press F2 (CLR) to clear the screen and enter a new survey number. The meter will automatically return to the logged measurements screen.

14.To end logging altogether and return to the standard measurement screen, press F4 (QUIT). To initiate logging again at a later point, use the menu system to select DATA LOG from the First Menu Screen.

Mode 2 Logging

To initiate Mode 2 logging (a series of spatially-averaged data points with a reference number assigned to each data point)...

1.From the main data-logging screen, press the number 2 on the keypad to select LOG AVG WITH REF # from the logging menu screen.

1 L O G W I T H R E F #

2 L O G A V G W I T H R E F #

3 C O N T I N U O U S L O G G I N G


F1 F2 F3 F4

2.A screen will appear requesting that you assign a two- digit survey number to this logging run of data points. Use the numeric keypad to enter the two-digit number and then press F1 (OK) or ENTER. Make note of this number so that you can later associate this survey number with the data points collected. If you make a mistake, press F2 (CLR) to clear the screen and enter a new survey number.


Operating the Meter