6.A screen will appear that indicates the value of reading that has been temporarily stored in memory and the number of the data point. The first data point will be 001.
D A T A P O I N T N O . 0 0 1
1 2 . 1 % S T D
S | A | V | E |
| D | I | S | C | A | R | D |
| F1 | F2 |
| F3 | F4 |
7.Press F1 (SAVE) to permanently log this data point into the meter’s memory with its associated data point number. The meter will automatically return to the measurement mode.
8.Press F3 (DISCARD) to erase the data point from the meter’s temporary memory. The meter will automatically return to the measurement mode.
9.Press F1 (LOG) again to log the second data point. It will automatically be assigned data point 002 providing that you had saved the first data point. If you had elected to discard the first data point, then this point will be designated data point 001.
10.Press either F1 (SAVE) or F3 (DISCARD). The meter will automatically return to the logged measurements screen.
11.Continue to record up to 999 data points in this manner.
12.To end this logging run and begin a new run, press F3 (END). The screen will appear that allows you to enter another
N E W L O G G I N G R U N :
E N T E R N E W R E F N O . _ _
O | K | C | L | R | M | E | N | U | Q | U | I | T |
F1 | F2 |
| F3 |
| F4 |
Chapter 8 Data Logging | 47 |