
If you access the menu system from the Opening Menu Screen, you will return to that screen. Once a probe has been selected and zeroed, the measurement screen will reflect the logging mode that you have selected.

To initiate one of the three logging modes described


1.Access the menu system by pressing the function key that corresponds to the legend below MENU on the bottom line of the display.

2.Press the number 1 on the keypad to select DATA LOG from the First Menu Screen.

3.A new menu will appear, presenting the three logging modes. If any of the three logging modes is currently active, the line showing that option will be flashing.

1 L O G W I T H R E F #

2 L O G A V G W I T H R E F #

3 C O N T I N U O U S L O G G I N G






4.To review the available memory before beginning to make logged measurements, press F2 (MEM).

5.A screen will appear showing the approximate amount of available memory and the amount of memory already used. The bar graph is a rough indicator of remaining memory capacity as a percentage of total capacity. See Memory Capacity at the end of this chapter for information on how to determine the number of additional measurements that can be stored.

A V A I L A B L E M E M O R Y 1 0 k B A V A I L , 1 5 k B U S E D M E N U Q U I T

F1 F2 F3 F4

6.Press Esc to return to the logging menu screen.

7.To turn off the logging feature, press F4 (QUIT).

Chapter 8 Data Logging