[c]FP-DO-403 4 ni.com
loads on the output channels, up to 2 A per channel.1 Connect
theexternal power supply to multiple V and VSUP terminals and
tomultiple C and COM terminals as needed to ensure that the
maximum current through any terminal is 2 A or less.
Install a 2 A maximum, fast-acting fuse (F2A 250V) between the
external power supply and the VSUP terminal on each channel.
Install a 2A maximum, fast-acting fuse suitable for the load at the
VOUTterminal. Figure 3 shows fuses where appropriate.
Table1 lists the terminal assignments for the signals associated
with each channel. Terminal assignments and wiring diagrams are
also listed on the side panel of the cFP-DO-403 and under the
slide-in card on the front of the FP-DO-403 module.
National Instruments recommends that you wire the external
power supply to multiple VSUP and COM terminals. Figure3
shows how to connect two output channels to loads.
Wiring for Low-Current Applications
If your application requires 2A or less combined current through
all channels of the [c]FP-DO-403, you can wire your application
asshown in Figure 3. Install a 2 A maximum, fast-acting fuse
(F2A250V) between the external power supply and the V terminal
as shown.
1 Refer to the Digital Output Circuit and Specifications sections for the maximum
output current level on all channels.
Table 1. Terminal Assignments
Terminal Numbers
Terminal Numbers
0 1 17 18 8 9 25 26
1 2 17 18 9 10 25 26
2 3 19 20 10 11 27 28
3 4 19 20 11 12 27 28
4 5 21 22 12 13 29 30
5 6 21 22 13 14 29 30
6 7 23 24 14 15 31 32
7 8 23 24 15 16 31 32