AppendixA Troubleshootingand Common Questions
GPIB-SCSI-Afor Solaris A-2
Common QuestionsHowdo I know that my GPIB-SCSI-A and driver are installed
Theibtsta test verifies that both the hardware and software are installed
correctly.Run ibtsta by entering the following command:
Ifno error occurs in ibtsta, NI-488.2 is installed correctly.
Whatdo I d o ift hesoftware verification test fails with an error?
If ibtstafails, make sure that no GPIB cables are connected to the
GPIB-SCSI-A. If necessary,remove and reinstall NI-488.2 from the CD.
Ifyou already have completed the troubleshooting steps, contact National
Whatco uld be causing a problemif the install ation processfails?
TargetID than what you entered during installation. Reinstall using the
correct ID.
Howshould I check for errors in my GPIB application?
Examinethe value of ibsta after each NI-488 or NI-488.2 call. If a call
fails,the ERR bit of ibsta is set and an error code is stored in iberr.
Formore informat ion about global status variables,r efer to the following
sectionsin the NI-488.2M Software Reference Manual:theGeneral
ProgrammingInformation section in Chapter 3, Understanding the
NI-488.2Software, and Append ix B, Common Errors and Their Solutions.
When should I use ibic?
Youcan use ibic to practice communication with your instrument,
troubleshoot problems, and developyour application program. For more
informationabout ibic, refer to Chapter 6, ibic,intheNI-488.2M
Software Reference Manual. Page 2 Tuesday,June 12, 2001 2:17 PM