NI-FBUS Monitor User Manual G-2
Ccapture document An NI-FBUS monitor document in memory that contains all the settings
and data of your capture.
CD Compel Data.
channel A pin or wire lead to which you apply or from which you read the analog
or digital signal.
checksum A method used to ensure that data is transmitted correctly.
Communication Stack The hierarchy of layers in a layered communications model that performs
the services required to interface the User Application to the Physical Layer
of the fieldbus.
CPU Central processing unit.
Ddata packet A unit of data of a certain size.
dead Inactive or not functioning on the fieldbus.
DMA Direct Memory Access.
DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory. Memory that requires electricity and
refreshing to hold data.
FFAS See Fieldbus Access Sublayer.
FDL See Fieldbus Data Link layer.
fieldbus An all-digital, two-way communication system that connects control
systems to instrumentation.
Fieldbus Access
The layer of the communication stack that provides an interface between
the DLL and layer 7 of the OSI model. The FAS provides communication
services such as client/server, publisher/subscriber, and event distribution.
fieldbus address Location of a board or device on the fieldbus; the fieldbus node address.