© National Instruments Corporation I-1 NI-FBUS Monitor User Manual
capture document, 3-2
relationship to window (figure), 3-3
capture menu
filter settings, 3-7
find data, 3-7
finding data, 4-2
hexadecimal data, 3-7
high priority updates, 3-7
live updates, 3-7
reset capture, 3-7
saving data, 4-2
scrolling live updates, 3-7
settings, 3-7
smooth live updates, 3-7
start capture, 3-7
starting capture, 4-1
stop capture, 3-7
stopping capture, 4-2
verbose data, 3-7
viewing data, 4-3
capture settings tab
layout (figure), 3-20
options, 3-20
overview, 3-19
interface port, 2-2
NI-FBUS driver in NT, 2-2
NI-FBUS software, 2-2
conventions used in the manual, ix
Declaration of Conformity (NI resources), B-1
diagnostic tools (NI resources), B-1
display settings tab
layout (figure), 3-21
overview, 3-21
conventions used in manual, ix
NI resources, B-1
related documentation, x
drivers (NI resources), B-1
examples (NI resources), B-1
FBUS connector pinout, A-1
FDL filter tab
layout (figure), 3-17
overview, 3-17
fieldbus data link layer (FDL), 1-1
fieldbus messaging specification layer
(FMS), 1-1
file menu options, 3-6
filter by address tab
layout (figure), 3-19
overview, 3-19
filter dialog box
description, 3-1
FDL tab, overview, 3-17
filter by address tab, overview, 3-19
FMS tab, overview, 3-18
functional overview, 3-15
options, 3-1
overview, 3-16