© National Instruments Corporation I-3 NI-FBUS Monitor User Manual
software re-installation (caution), 2-1
standard toolbar, 3-2
start driver in NT, 2-2
starting the monitor, 4-1
statistics view toolbar, 3-2
window overview, 1-1
Ppacket display formats
decode, 3-11
hex, 3-11
simple, 3-11
packet menu options, 3-8
packet view, filter window and data
(figure),3-1 0
packet view toolbar
checkboxes, 3-12
FAS/SM button, 3-12
FDL button, 3-12
FMS button, 3-12
hex button, 3-12
LAS/TM button, 3-12
time button, 3-12
verbose button, 3-12
description, 3-2
drop-down list options, 3-13
functional overview, 3-11
graphic buttons
horizontal packets button, 3-12
vertical packets button, 3-12
layout (figure), 3-11
radio buttons, 3-12
decode button, 3-12
hex button, 3-12
simple button, 3-12
PCMCIA-FBUS cable, A-2
pinout information, A-1
programming examples (NI resources), B-1
Rrelated documentation, x
Sscrew terminal block pinout, A-2
settings dialog box
capture settings tab, 3-19
description, 3-1
display settings tab, 3-21
functional overview, 3-19
options, 3-1
overview, 3-19
toolbar settings tab, 3-22
single filter, 3-2
software (NI resources), B-1
split filter window
button, 4-3
capture menu, 4-3
example view (figure), 4-3
standard toolbar
add filter window button, 3-6
button functions, 3-5
capture settings button, 3-5
cascade window button, 3-6
copy button, 3-5
cut button, 3-5
description, 3-2
filter settings button, 3-6
find data button, 3-5
find data dialog box (figure), 4-2
help button, 3-6
layout (figure), 3-5
live updates off button, 3-5
new capture button, 3-5
open capture button, 3-5
paste button, 3-5
reset capture button, 3-5