© National Instruments Corporation I-3 NI-VXI User Manual
external controllers, 2-6 to 2-7
definition, 2-6
embeddded controller connected to other
frames (figure), 2-6
embeddded controller connected using
MXI-2 (figure), 2-7
fax and telephone support, B-2
FaxBack support, B-2
FindDevLA function, 3-2
FTP support, B-1
functions. See NI-VXI functions; specific
groups of functions.
GenProtError function, 3-18
GetACfailHandler function, 3-64
GetBusErrorHandler function, 3-64
GetByteOrder function, 3-30
GetContext function, 3-30
GetDevInfo function, 3-3
GetDevInfoLong function, 3-3
GetDevInfoShort function, 3-3
GetDevInfoStr function, 3-3
GetMyLA function, 3-34
GetPrivilege function, 3-30
GetSignalHandler function, 3-41
GetSoftResetHandler function, 3-65
GetSysfailHandler function, 3-65
GetSysresetHandler function, 3-65
GetTrigHandler function, 3-56
GetVXIbusStatus function, 3-30
GetVXIbusStatusInd function, 3-31
GetVXIintHandler function, 3-49
GetWindowRange function, 3-31
GetWSScmdHandler function, 3-18
GetWSSEcmdHandler function, 3-19
GetWSSLcmdHandler function, 3-19
GetWSSrdHandler function, 3-19
GetWSSwrtHandler function, 3-19
global signal queue, 3-38
hardware context
high-level VXI/VMEbus access
functions, 3-23
low-level VXI/VMEbus access
functions, 3-27
header files, 2-9 to 2-10
busacc.h file, 2-10
datasize.h file, 2-9
devinfo.h file, 2-10
high-level VXI/VMEbus access functions
alphabetical list (table), A-3
overview, 2-1, 3-23
programming considerations,
3-23 to 3-24
VXIin, 3-24
VXIinReg, 3-24
VXImove, 3-24 to 3-25
VXIout, 3-25
VXIoutReg, 3-25
InitVXIlibrary function
description, 3-4
requirements for NI-VXI programs,
2-10 to 2-11
interrupt functions. See system interrupt
handler functions; VXI interrupt
interrupt handling
C/C++ example, 2-18
overview, 2-17 to 2-18