NI-VXI User Manual I-6 © National Instruments Corporation
Request for Service False (REQF)
event, 3-37
Request for Service False (REQF)
status/ID, 3-37
Request for Service True (REQT) event, 3-37
Request for Service True (REQT)
status/ID, 3-37
Response signals, 3-37
Response status/IDs, 3-43
RespProtError function, 3-19
return values and system errors, 2-5
ROAK (Release On Acknowledge)
interrupter, 3-46
RORA (Release On Register Access)
interrupter, 3-46
round-robin effect of Commander Word
Serial function calls, 3-9
RouteSignal function
description, 3-41
VXI signal handling, 3-37, 3-44
RouteVXIint function
description, 3-49 to 3-50
VXI signal handling, 3-43, 3-44
ScrTrig function, 3-57
SEMI-SYNC trigger protocol, 3-51 to 3-52
Servant Word Serial communication
Extended Longword Serial
Protocol, 3-15
Longword Serial Protocol, 3-15
polling operations, 3-14 to 3-15
types of functions, 3-14
Word Serial Protocol, 3-14
Servant Word Serial Protocol functions
alphabetical list (table), A-2 to A-3
DefaultWSScmdHandler, 3-17
DefaultWSSEcmdHandler, 3-17
DefaultWSSLcmdHandler, 3-17 to 3-18
DefaultWSSrdHandler, 3-18
DefaultWSSwrtHandler, 3-18
GenProtError, 3-18
GetWSScmdHandler, 3-18
GetWSSEcmdHandler, 3-19
GetWSSLcmdHandler, 3-19
GetWSSrdHandler, 3-19
GetWSSwrtHandler, 3-19
overview, 2-3, 3-14 to 3-15
programming considerations,
3-15 to 3-16
RespProtError, 3-19
SetWSScmdHandler, 3-19 to 3-20
SetWSSEcmdHandler, 3-20
SetWSSLcmdHandler, 3-20
SetWSSrdHandler, 3-20
SetWSSwrtHandler, 3-20
WSSabort, 3-21
WSSdisable, 3-21
WSSenable, 3-21
WSSLnoResp, 3-21, 3-22
WSSLsendResp, 3-21
WSSrd, 3-22
WSSsendResp, 3-22
WSSwrt, 3-22
SetACfailHandler function, 3-65
SetBusErrorHandler function, 3-65 to 3-66
SetByteOrder function, 3-32
SetContext function, 3-32
SetDevInfo function, 3-4
SetDevInfoLong function, 3-4
SetDevInfoShort function, 3-5
SetDevInfoStr function, 3-5
SetMODID function, 3-34
SetPrivilege function, 3-33
SetSignalHandler function, 3-41
SetSoftResetHandler function, 3-66
SetSysfailHandler function, 3-66
SetSysresetHandler function, 3-66
SetTrigHandler function, 3-56
SetVXIintHandler function, 3-50
SetWSScmdHandler function, 3-19 to 3-20