NI-VXI User Manual I-4 © National Instruments Corporation
interrupt service routine support,
Commander Word Serial Protocol
functions, 3-7 to 3-8
interrupts and asynchronous
events, 1-4 to 1-5
LabWindows/CVI software, 2-4 to 2-5
C/C++ example, 2-4
input versus output parameters,
2-4 to 2-5
return values and system errors,
2-4 to 2-5
type definitions, 2-4
local resource access functions
alphabetical list (table), A-4
GetMyLA, 3-34
overview, 2-2, 3-34
ReadMODID, 3-34
SetMODID, 3-34
VXIinLR, 3-35
VXImemAlloc, 3-35
VXImemCopy, 3-35
VXImemFree, 3-35
VXIoutLR, 3-36
Longword Serial Protocol, 3-7, 3-15
low-level VXI/VMEbus access functions
alphabetical list (table), A-3 to A-4
GetByteOrder, 3-30
GetContext, 3-30
GetPrivilege, 3-30
GetVXIbusStatus, 3-30
GetVXIbusStatusInd, 3-31
GetWindowRange, 3-31
MapVXIAddress, 3-28, 3-29, 3-31
MapVXIAddressSize, 3-32
multiple-pointer access for window,
3-28 to 3-29
Access-Only Privilege, 3-28 to 3-29
Owner Privilege, 3-28
overview, 2-2, 3-26 to 3-27
programming considerations, 3-27
SetByteOrder, 3-32
SetContext, 3-32
SetPrivilege, 3-33
UnMapVXIAddress, 3-33
VXIpeek, 3-28, 3-33
VXIpoke, 3-28, 3-33
manual. See documentation.
map trigger functions
MapTrigToTrig, 3-56 to 3-57
overview, 3-56
UnMapTrigToTrig, 3-57
MapECLtrig function, 3-67
MapTrigToTrig function, 3-56 to 3-57
MapTTLtrig function, 3-67 to 3-68
MapUtilBus function, 3-68
MapVXIAddress function
description, 3-31
MITE-based platforms (note), 3-29
obtaining Access-Only privilege, 3-28
requesting owner privilege, 3-28
MapVXIAddressSize function, 3-32
MapVXIint function, 3-68
master memory access
C/C++ example, 2-14 to 2-15
functions versus macros (note), 2-16
overview, 2-14
memory access. See master memory access;
slave memory access.
message-based devices, 1-3
MITE-based platforms (note), 3-29
multiple mainframe support, 2-5 to 2-8
controllers, 2-5 to 2-7
extender and controller parameters,
2-7 to 2-8