© National Instruments Corporation I-7 NI-VXI User Manual
SetWSSEcmdHandler function, 3-20
SetWSSLcmdHandler function, 3-20
SetWSSrdHandler function, 3-20
SetWSSwrtHandler function, 3-20
Shared Memory events, 3-37, 3-43
signal handling
C/C++ example, 2-18
overview, 2-17 to 2-18
signal queuing considerations, 3-38 to 3-39
SignalDeq function, 3-42
SignalEnq function, 3-42
SignalJam function, 3-42
single-tasking operating system support,
Commander Word Serial Protocol
functions, 3-7 to 3-8
slave memory access
C/C++ example, 2-16 to 2-17
overview, 2-16
source trigger functions
overview, 3-57
ScrTrig, 3-57
START/STOP trigger protocol, 3-52
SYNC trigger protocol, 3-51
system configuration functions
alphabetical list (table), A-1
CloseVXIlibrary, 2-10 to 2-11, 3-2
CreateDevInfo, 3-2
FindDevLA, 3-2
GetDevInfo, 3-3
GetDevInfoLong, 3-3
GetDevInfoShort, 3-3
GetDevInfoStr, 3-3
InitVXIlibrary, 3-4
obtaining system information,
2-11 to 2-12
C/C++ example, 2-12
overview, 2-1, 3-1
SetDevInfo, 3-4
SetDevInfoLong, 3-4
SetDevInfoShort, 3-5
SetDevInfoStr, 3-5
system interrupt handler functions
alphabetical list (table), A-6
AssertSysreset, 3-60
DefaultACfailHandler, 3-60
DefaultBusErrorHandler, 3-60 to 3-61
DefaultSoftResetHandler, 3-61
DefaultSysfailHandler, 3-61 to 3-63
DisableSysreset, 3-63
EnableACfail, 3-63
EnableSoftReset, 3-63
EnableSysfail, 3-63 to 3-64
EnableSysreset, 3-64
GetACfailHandler, 3-64
GetBusErrorHandler, 3-64
GetSoftResetHandler, 3-65
GetSysfailHandler, 3-65
GetSysresetHandler, 3-65
overview, 2-2, 3-59 to 3-60
SetACfailHandler, 3-65
SetBusErrorHandler, 3-65 to 3-66
SetSoftResetHandler, 3-66
SetSysfailHandler, 3-66
SetSysresetHandler, 3-66
technical support, B-1 to B-2
trigger configuration functions
overview, 3-58
TrigAssertConfig, 3-58
TrigCntrConfig, 3-58
TrigExtConfig, 3-58 to 3-59
TrigTickConfig, 3-59
trigger functions. See VXI trigger functions.
trigger lines
ECL, 3-51
TTL, 3-51
trigger protocols
ASYNC, 3-51
ON/OFF, 3-52
SEMI-SYNC, 3-51 to 3-52