Chapter 6 LEDs and DIP Switches
© National Instruments Corporation 6-5 NI 17xx Smart Camera User Manual
SAFE MODE SwitchTo start the NI Smart Camera in safe mode, move the SAFE MODE switch
to the ON position and reapply power or restart the smart camera. If the
switch is in the ON position when the smart camera starts, the smart camera
launches only the essential services required for updating configuration
information and installing software. The LabVIEW Real-Time engine does
not launch. Use safe mode to reconfigure the smart camera TCP/IP settings,
update firmware, and to install or update the software on the smart camera.
If the software on the smart camera is corrupted, start the smart camera in
safe mode and update the software. To resume normal operations, move the
SAFE MODE switch to the OFF position and reapply power or restart the
smart camera. Refer to Getting Started with the NI 17xx Smart Camera for
information about updating the software on the smart camera.
The STATUS LED flashes green three times when the smart camera is in
safe mode. Keep the SAFE MODE switch in the OFF position during
normal operation.
IP RESET SwitchTo clear the NI Smart Camera IP settings, move the IP RESET switch to
the ON position and reapply power or restart the smart camera. Use the
IPRESET switch to reset the TCP/IP settings when moving the camera
from one subnet to another or when the current TCP/IP settings are
otherwise invalid.
Starting the smart camera with the IP RESET switch in the ON position
resets the IP address to Once you have reset the IP address,
you can set up a new network configuration for the smart camera from a
development machine on the same subnet, or you can use an Ethernet cable
to connect the smart camera directly to the development computer. Refer to
Getting Started with the NI 17xx Smart Camera for information about
assigning an IP address to the smart camera.
To resume normal operations, move the IP RESET switch to the OFF
position and reapply power or restart the smart camera. Keep the IP RESET
switch in the OFF position during normal operation.