Chapter 8 Thermal Considerations and Mounting
NI 17xx Smart Camera User Manual 8-2 ni.com
Operating the smart camera above the specified ambient temperature or
above the specified case temperature will degrade image quality and can
cause permanent damage to the device.
The smart camera also has a internal temperature sensor that provides an
internal temperature measurement. You can monitor the temperature sensor
from LabVIEW using the Status Information»Temperature property
from the IMAQ property node.
If the internal temperature sensor reads 70 °C or more, the smart camera
immediately halts operation and becomes unresponsive. The IMG ACQ
LED and the FAIL LED flash red. You must remove and reapply power to
the smart camera to recover from this condition.
To maximize the cooling efficiency of the smart camera, mount it to a
thermally conductive structure, as specified in the Mounting the NI Smart
Camera section.
Mounting the NI Smart CameraCaution If you choose not to mount the NI Smart Camera to a thermally conductive
structure, do not position the smart camera with the heat sinks resting on any surface.
Doing so may violate the thermal requirements of the smart camera and cause the smart
camera to overheat. Refer to AppendixA, Specifications, for temperature specifications.