Appendix B Troubleshooting
NI 17xx Smart Camera User Manual B-4 ni.com
2. Measure the smart camera housing temperature at the location
indicated in Figure 8-1, Measuring the NI Smart Camera Housing
Temperature, and verify that it is within specifications.
You must remove power, bring the temperature within specifications, and
reapply power to the smart camera to recover from this condition. Refer to
the Thermal Considerations section of Chapter8, Thermal Considerations
and Mounting, for information about measuring the temperature of the
smart camera. Refer to AppendixA , Specifications, for complete
temperature specifications.
Lighting ProblemsThe Light Does Not Illuminate When Using the Direct Drive Controller
In the event that your light does not illuminate, verify the following:
• That your NI Smart Camera supports the Direct Drive lighting
controller. Refer to the Direct Drive Lighting Controller section of
Chapter4, Lighting, for a list of smart cameras that support the Direct
Drive lighting controller.
• The light is wired with the correct polarity, LED+ pin to the anode and
LED– pin to cathode.
• You have properly configured the maximum light settings in MAX or
Vision Builder AI. For safety reasons, the default configuration of the
smart camera does not enable lighting until you configure the
maximum lighting current settings that are appropriate for your light.
• You have enabled the Direct Drive lighting controller in MAX or
Vision Builder AI.
• The smart camera is receiving a trigger if you have configured the
smart camera for triggering in MAX or Vision Builder AI. This can be
verified by checking that the IMG ACQ LED on the smart camera
illuminates when a trigger is provided on the TrigIn+/IsoIn(0)+ and
TrigIn–/IsoIn(0)– pins. If you are not receiving a trigger, refer to the
No Trigger is Received troubleshooting section.
• There is a short circuit wiring condition. If the smart camera detects a
short circuit wiring condition, it will disable the Direct Drive until the
condition is cleared and the acquisition is reinitialized.
In the event that the Direct Drive lighting controller detects an
abnormal load condition, such as a short circuit on the LED+ output,
the smart camera stops image acquisition and returns an error. The
Direct Drive stops providing current to the light, and the smart camera