Chapter 2 Installation and Configuration
NI PXI-8108 User Manual 2-18 ni.com
Note When any IP or identification settings are changed, you will be prompted to reboot
the controller for the changes to take effect. Click Yes to automatically reboot the RT
target. You may also reboot the controller by right-clicking on the target name under
Remote Systems and selecting Reboot.
After rebooting the PXI controller it will appear in the Remote Systems
category with the assigned name.
Figure 2-4 shows the RT Series PXI target, PXI-8106, configured to
automatically obtain an IP address from a DHCP server, as indicated in the
IP Settings section of the figure.
Figure 2-4. Configuring RT Target Network Settings
6. Expand the PXI controller view in the Remote Systems branch and
select Software.
7. Click the Add/Remove Software button in the toolbar to launch the
LabVIEW Real-Time Software Wizard.