Appendix A Introduction to Color
© National Instruments Corporation A-3 NI PXI/PCI-1411 User Manual
Hue, Saturation, Luminance, and Intensity PlanesThe 8-bit hue, saturation, luminance, and intensity planes can also be
returned individually if you want to analyze the image.
Luminance, Intensity, Hue, or Saturation are defined using the Red, Green,
and Blue values in the following formulas:
Luminance = 0.299 × Red + 0.587 × Green + 0.114 × Blue
Intensity = (Red + Green + Blue) / 3
Hue = arctangent (Y, X)
Y = (Green – Blue) / and
X = (2 × Red – Green – Blue) /
Saturation =
32-Bit HSL and HSIYou can also pack the three 8-bit Hue, Saturation, and Luminance planes
(HSL) or the three Hue, Saturation, and Intensity planes (HSI) in one array
of 32-bit integers, which is equivalent to the 32-bit RGB representation.
255 1 3Min R G B,,()×