NI sbRIO-960x 26
For additional environmental information, refer to the NI and the
Environment Web page at This page contains the
environmental regulations and directives with which NI complies, as well
as other environmental information not included in this document.

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

EU Customers At the end of their life cycle, all products must be sent to a WEEE recycling
center. For more information about WEEE recycling centers and National Instruments
WEEE initiatives, visit


The sbRIO-960x is intended for indoor use only.
Ambient temperature in enclosure
(IEC 60068-2-1, IEC 60068-2-2).................–20 to 55 °C
Storage temperature
(IEC 60068-2-1, IEC 60068-2-2).................–40 to 85 °C
Operating humidity
(IEC 60068-2-56)......................................10 to 90% RH, noncondensing
Storage humidity
(IEC 60068-2-56)......................................5 to 95% RH, noncondensing
Maximum altitude...................................2,000 m
Pollution Degree (IEC 60664)................2

Physical Characteristics

Torque for screw terminals on J3...........0.5 to 0.6 N · m
(4.4 to 5.3 lb · in.)
Weight....................................................198.45 g (7.0 oz)

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National Instrumentsヺড়Ё೑⬉ᄤֵᙃѻકЁ䰤ࠊՓ⫼ᶤѯ᳝ᆇ⠽ 䋼ᣛҸ (RoHS)DŽ
݇ѢNational Instruments Ё೑ RoHS ড়㾘ᗻֵᙃˈ䇋ⱏᔩ ni.c om/environment/rohs_chinaDŽ
(For information about China RoHS compliance, go to