© National Instruments Corporation 3 NI TB-2709 Installation Guide
Do not substitute parts or modify equipment. Because of the danger of introducing
additional hazards, do not install unauthorized parts or modify the device. Return the
device to National Instruments for service and repair to ensure that its safety features
arenot compromised.
You must insulate all of your signal connections to the highest voltage with which the
TB-2709 can come in contact.
Connections, including power signals to ground and vice versa, that exceed any of the
maximum signal ratings on the terminal block can create a shock or fire hazard, or can
damage any or all of the boards connected to the host computer and the terminal block.
National Instruments is not liable for any damages or injuries resulting from incorrect
signal connections.
Clean the module and accessories by brushing off light dust with a soft non-metallic brush.
Remove other contaminants with a stiff non-metallic brush. The unit must be completely
dry and free from contaminants before returning it to service.
InstallationThe TB-2709 connects directly to the front panel of the PXI DAQ device,
as shown in Figure2.
Figure 2. Connecting the TB-2709 to an S Series Device
1 Terminal Block Mounting Screws
2 PXI Chassis
3 68-Pin I/O Connector on PXI Device