Specifications Appendix A
SCXI-1122 User Manual A-2 © National Instruments Corporation
Transfer Characteristics
Nonlinearity 0.01% FSR
Offset error
Gain 1 ±(6 µV + 1,240 µV/gain)
Gain < 1 ±(352 µV + 1,240 µV/gain)
Gain error
Gain 1 ±0.02% of reading
Gain < 1 ±0.10% of reading
Amplifier Characteristics
Input impedance
Normal powered on 1 G in parallel with 100 pF for gain 1,
1 M in parallel with 100 pF for gain < 1
Powered off 100 k
Overload 100 k
Input bias current ±80 pA
Filter Bandwidth CMRR 50 or 60 Hz
4 Hz 160 dB
4 kHz 100 dB
Output range ±10 V
Output impedance 75
Dynamic Characteristics
Bandwidth (-3 dB) 4 Hz (-10 dB) or 4 kHz, software selectable
Settling time to full-scale step (all gains)
with 4 kHz filter enabled 10 ms
with 4 kHz filter enabled 1 s
System noise
Gain 4 Hz Filter 4 kHz Filter
1 150 µVrms 1 mVrms
1,000 1,000 nVrms 4 µVrms
Slew rate 0.10 V/µs
Type 3-pole RC
Cutoff frequency (-3 dB) 4 Hz (-10 dB) or 4 kHz, software selectable
NMR (50 or 60 Hz) 60 dB at 4 Hz bandwidth
Recommended warm-up time 20 minutes
Offset temperature coefficient ±(0.2 + 150/gain) µV/°C
Gain temperature coefficient ±10 ppm/°C for gain 1, ± 25 ppm/°C for gain < 1